So here we are in January 2016 and our film is on her way! Our journey with the finished film/s (English & Portuguese versions!) began with two wonderful inaugural screenings in Bahia, Brazil, last August - where the elders of the film gave us their all-important "blessings". That was followed in October by a first private U.S. screening and related events at Emory University (Atlanta) included a panel with invited Candomblé scholar/writer Dr. Rachel Harding and Dr. Dianne Stewart. The film's companion photo exibit Goddesses of Nature accompanied us to Bahia and Atlanta. It was the best possible beginning and we are excited for possibilities in the new year! Please see our list of upcoming screenings below. Photos top top bottom: longtime friend Lek helps to hang our photo exhibit at Pousa da Palavra gallery in Cachoeira, Bahia; Second photo: our core organizing group in Cachoeira, surrounding 3 of our film's stars, Georgina Santos, Ekedy Sinha & Denize Ribeiro; Third photo: famed singer Virginia Rodrigues whose sound enlivens our film, as well as the music of Grupo Gege Nago, led by Valmir Pereira; Fourth photo: at Emory U with Dr. Emmanuel Lartey, Dr. Dianne Stewart and Dr. Rachel Harding. Bottom image: Formal invitation to first screening, sponsored by Secretary of Culture of City of Cachoeira (Cachoeira was home of the late Mãe/Mother Filhinha de Yemanjá, to whom our film is dedicated). Current & Upcoming events:
-through February 16, 2016 - London - The British Library Yemanjá film clip featured in major exhibit, West Africa: Word, Symbol, Song -February 28, 2016 - New York City - a screening & discussion at the Caribbean Cultural Center-African Diaspora Institute's Trade/itions Trans-Atlantic Orisha Sacred Traditions Symposium in New York City -late March screenings in various Florida locales (details coming) -April 9, 2016 - Harvard University, Cambridge, MA African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association. In the meantime, we await news from several film festivals taking place in April and May and will post on those as news arrives. We enthusiastically welcome invitations to share the film and discussion with universities, cultural centers, conferences, and the like, with the option of displaying the beautiful photo exhibit by videographer/still photographer Gerald Lee Hoffman (see web page, Photography Exhibit). Finally, we are now fundraising to support the distribution and marketing phase of our work, in case you and yours are interested. We are eternally grateful for the chance to do this great work! Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates: Please share with your friends. Axe! Blessings be.
Donna Roberts, Producer/director, Yemanjá Archives
March 2021
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